
Anti-Osteoporotic Factors in ALMONDS

Anti-Osteoporotic Factors in ALMONDSEating almonds has many health benefits, such as reducing oxidative damage, improving lipid profile and lowering cardiovascular disease risk. It has also been associated with increased bone mineral density, and recent evidence suggests that its regular inclusion in the diet (at least 4 servings/week) may be a...

Importance of Regular NUT CONSUMPTION

Importance of regular NUT CONSUMPTIONNUT: In the early 1990s, researchers at Loma Linda University published two landmark studies that highlighted the cardiovascular health benefits of eating nuts.Since then, epidemiological and clinical studies on their health effects have increased exponentially, and results have consistently shown a 30-50% lower risk of heart...

Red Beetroot – Colour, Taste and Good Health

Red Beetroot - Colour, Taste and Good HealthRed Beetroot, is a tasty vegetable used during winter in salads, but also in other recipes. Beetroot has a wide range of nutritional qualities that are extremely valuable for the human body. It is rich in phytonutrients called betanins and vulgaxanthin, with antioxidant,...

Migdalia Lifestyle Center in Israel

Migdalia Lifestyle Center in Israel is a pioneer project. Located near to the beautiful Sea of Galilee, the lifestyle center plans to offer health education and lifestyle treatments for their guests as well as a chance to visit the wonderful sights of the Holy Land. Different packages will be available...