Google Ad Grants

Google Ad Grants is an amazing opportunity provided by Google for Non-profit organizations. Use a monthly fund of 10,000 $ to promote your NGO with our help!

Here’s how.

  • We collect all information and documentation needed from your NGO
  • We set your Google Ad account.
  • We apply for the $10.000 (ten thousand us dollars) monthly advertising credit on behalf of your NGO
  • After getting the approval we create Google Ad Campaigns for your NGO, generating approximately 500-1500 visitors/day

Webpage Development

Do you have an old webpage, which is not compelling, not fashionable, not responsive  -in one word: not trendy?

  • Let us create a brand new, modern, responsive webpage for you!
  • We create your webpage content (articles, pages, images, photos, graphics, videos, text contents)
  • We register it to Google in order to be accepted for Google Ads promotion.
  • We do hosting, backup, encryption, securization, SEO (search engine optimization) for your website.

Lead Pages

  • We create content (image, photo, graphics, video, text content), call to action appeals for your Landing Pages (fine tuned to your goals)
  • Based on your mission, need, interest we create multiple highly converting Lead Pages to build your potential customers mailing lists
  • We manage your Landing Pages and do split test, for a better conversion
  • We collect your Leads, manage your E-mail lists, and analyze the results (Lead Magnets)
  • We retarget the visitors who are not subscribed to your mailing list for a certain period of time.

Lead Magnets

  • We collect your potential customer email addresses based on their interest.
  • We manage and analyze it, send you details about the email lists.
  • We create your email list database on your webpage (you will be able to use your lists according to your needs).

Email Marketing

  • We create your content for 10 automated emails (image, photo, graphics, video, text content).
  • We launch your automated mails and send them out to your clients in a time frame of 1 month. Every new subscriber will receive them in their own pace, so every new visitor will have their attention drawn to you for a whole month, increasing brand awareness and engagement!

Marketing Training

  • 1st level: At the beginning of our collaboration we provide you all the important information and explain every detail of the process described above, in order for you to understand the benefits of each level and to have a vision about the results you can achieve by your email lists. So you can reach your goals faster and more efficient!
  • 2nd level (future projects): We train your marketing department to implement this system, and to develop and improve a marketing segment at your NGO.